Friday, June 5, 2009

Puppy Chow

What a wonderfully easy, fun, and tastey treat. I made a batch of this to take to work on my birthday. I have always loved puppy chow but have never made it myself. After making it, I know I will be making it more often for get togethers and to take to work as a special treat for my coworkers. Kids love this stuff so it's really good for any gathering where kids will be. Plus, it's fun to make!

Puppy Chow
Source: The back of the Chex box!
9c Chex (or similar cereal... I used the store brand, rice or corn will work)
1c chocolate chips
1/2c peanut butter
1/4c butter
1tsp vanilla
1 1/2c powdered sugar
Pour cereal in a large bowl.
Microwave chocolate chips, peanut butter, and butter for one minute. Stir and microwave in 30 second intervals until mixture can be stirred smooth. Stir in vanilla and pour over cereal. Mix until evenly coated.
Divide chex mixture between 2 one gallon ziplock bags (or one 2 gallon bag). Divide powdered sugar among bags, close, and shake until coated.
Spread the chow on waxed paper to cool and set.
Store covered at room temperature.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I heart puppy chow. Someone had some at work the other day for their birthday too and it was so good.


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