Thursday, November 13, 2008

Menu: 11/13 - 11/19

Thursday: Pick up at store
Friday: Slow Cooker Taco Soup, Corn Muffins
Saturday: FFY
Sunday: Honey Glazed Chicken, Rice, Broccoli (never got to this last week)
Monday: Mac n Cheese with Ham, Peas (this either)
Tuesday: Beef Pasta Bake, Green Beans
Wednesday: Crock Put Stuffed Peppers, Smashed Potatoes, Bread


Mrs. Wiggy said...

Recipe for the honey-glazed chicken?

Jo said...

I'll post a recipe with I make it :)

Unfortunately, it might be another week. Matt just informed me that we are supposed to go to his parents' house tonight for supper. I might rearrange things though.


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