Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Menu: 11/20-11/27

Thursday: Ham Salad Sandwiches, Salad
Friday: Out to eat!
Saturday: Honey Glazed Chicken, Rice, Broccoli (I WILL get to this this week)
Sunday: Crock Pot Buffalo Chicken Lasagna, Rolls, Salad
Monday: Mini Meatloaves, Mixed Veggies, Baked Potatoes
Tuesday: Jambalaya, Broccoli, Cornbread
Wednesday: Spaghetti with Meatsauce, Green Beans, Cheddar Biscuits

Turkey Day! I'm bringing this casserole and this dessert. I may also make this bread.


Mary said...

Oooooh, Jo, I might have to try that Pumpkin Bread.

Jo said...

I think I'm going to make it tonight or tomorrow. It looks so yummy!


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